Vitiligo i ihtioza

34 odgovora [Zadnja poruka]

htela bih da znamnesto vise o ovim bolestima i na koje nacine ih je moguce leciti.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Imam bele fleke po ledjima koje su se pojavile posle mora i nakona odredjenog vrena prosirile po celim ledjima.
Zanima me sta je to, sta da mazem i da li mi neko moze preporuciti dobrog dermatologa?

Vitiligo - VAZNO!

Ovo sam iskuckala iz knjige od drugarice valjda se zove lecenje biljem, narodni lekar ili tako nesto... Napominjem da lek nisam isprobala posto mi je tesko da dokucim celu terapiju jer ni sama nisam previse upoznata sa ovakvim nacinom lecenja. Recept je za mene malkice komplikovan. U knjizi pise da su lekovi sakupljani iz razlicitih oblasti, od razlicitih ljudi jos dok lekovi nisu postajali - ljudi su se lecili prirodnim putem. Recepti su jako stari, da ne kazem istorijski. Knjiga je cenjena, dobro uradnje i jako obimna. Oni napominju da lecenje ne treba raditi samostalno vec u saradnji sa fitoterapeutom.
Uzeti 2 supene kasike sitno drobljenog lista i cveta kicice (Erythraea centaurium) i po jednu kasiku lista i cveta hajducice (achilea nillefolimu), lista i cveta kanationa (hypercym perforatum), koprivinog lista (Urtica dioica) i iglicastih listova bora (Pinus silvestris). Sve to izruciti u 1200 gr. prokljucale vruce vode. Ostaviti poklopljeno 90 min. izvan stednjaka. Procediti i zasladiti medom po zelji. Piti po 200 gr. pre i posle dorucka, rucka i vecere. Piti 10 dana.

Od 7-10 dana ujutru, u podne i uvuce mazati bolna mesta po 5. minuta sitno iseckanim cesnjevima belog luka (Allium sativum). Nakon svakog mazanja oprati bolna mesta sledecom tekucinom koju treba cuvati u zatvorenoj flasi;
Uzeti po 3 supene kasike sitno zdrobljenog lista koprive (Urtica dioica), lista i cveta hajducice (Achillea mellefolimu ), lista i cveta kantariona (Hypericym perforatum), i cveta zove (Sambucus nigra). Sve ovo izruciti u jedan litar prokljucale vruce vode. Ostaviti poklopljeno izvan stednjaka 90 min. Procediti, zasladiti medom po zelji i koristiti.

Posle pranja vatom u gornjoj tekucini, treba bolna mesta ostaviti da miruju 10 min., a zatim ih nakvasiti sledecom tecnoscu;
Uzeti 8 supenih kasika sitno zdrobljenog lista i cveta kantariona i izruciti u 1l ljute prepecenice - sljivovice ili komovice. Zatvoriti u flasu i drzati u toploj sobi 20 dana. Svaki dan flasu promuckati da bi kantarion bolje estrahovao. Nakon toga procediti i koristiti. Moze se poneka casica ove rakije popiti pre dorucka, rucka i vecere.

Posle svih ovih radnji treba bolna mesta namazati ujutru u podne i uvece kantarionovim uljem koje se pravi na sledeci nacin;
Uzeti 8 supenih kasika kantarionovog lista i cveta sitno zdrobljenog i izruciti u 1 litarsku flasu. Zatim napuniti zejtinom. Omotati flasu i njeno dno trostrukim krpama, koje treba pricvrstiti kanapom. Spustiti flasu na 3-4 drvceta, velicine hemijske olovke, u jedan lonac naliven vodom. Sve to kuvati 8 sati, a voda ne sme kljucati. Nakon toga skloniti lonac izvan stednjaka da se hladi 6 sati. Procediti preko gaze ovu tekucinu i koristiti je.

Nakon sto koza upije kantarionovo ulje, namazati bolna mesta sledecim melemom;
Uzeti po 1 supenu kasiku sitno zdrobljenog lista kupine (Rubus fruticosus), lista koprive, lista ranjenika (Betonica Officinalis) i 4 supene kasike meda. Sve ovo dobro izmesati i koristiti. Melem drzati po 2 sata i nakon toga bolna mesta oprati mlakom vodom.

Nakon ovakvog nacina lecenja vitiligo treba nestati sa koze.
Ovim receptom se lece i ostala oboljenja na kozi ciji su izazivaci sitne i golim okom nevidljive gljivice.
Ako se neko odluci da isproba ovaj vid lecenja i vidi bilo kakve rezultate, molim da nam javi.
Sve najbolje!

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Jeli se neko izlkecio od VITILIGA prirodnim putem, a da nije od tog travara?

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Ja sam iz BiH i terapiju mi je preuzela kolegica koja živi u Beogradu a zatim poslala autobusom . Malo petljancije , ali to nije ništa naspram onoga što te čeka kada počneš da piješ čaj i mažeš i piješ vitamine i to sve po nekom redu i moraš da se mnogo sunčas i onda stalno gledaš hoće li se pojaviti koja smeđa tačkica sa pigmentom. Ali nigdje kraja sreći kada se pigment počne vraćati.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Ja sam u u maju počela da koristim terapiju od Rangelova iz Dimitrovgrada. Pije se čaj , a krema se maže 3 i 2 puta dnevno po šemi i pije b vitamin uz obavezno sunčanje.
Imalla sam dvije fleke na rukama, jednu veću i jednu manju na lijevoj ruci, fleku na laktu i fleku na leđima. Ta veća fleka na desnoj ruci mi je jako smetala i nju sam intenzivno sunčala , nakon mjesec dana pojavilo se 10 majušnih crnih tačkica koje su poslije porasle u veče krugove sa pigmentom. nakon toga je sve bilo mirno i onda nakon tri mjeseca mnogo malih crnih tačkica koje rastu i zatvaraju bijelu površinu. Tako je bilo sa većom flekom na desnoj ruci. Manju fleku na lijevoj ruci nisam sunčala i ništa se nije desilo , ostala je potpuno bijela.
Fleku na laktu i leđima sam samo par puta namazala dok sam bila na moru i odmah se pojavilo mnogo crnih tačkica koje takođe polako rastu.
On kaže da svaki dan treba tu površinu sunčati 3 sata. Ja nisam nikada toliko sunčala jer radim , pa je bilo puno kiše i sl., a kada sunčam u jednom komadu duže od 1 h ta površina tako izgori da se plašim ponovo izlagati suncu dok se opekotina ne povuče. Na moru je moja ruka izgledala očajno.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Ja sam u u maju počela da koristim terapiju od Rangelova iz Dimitrovgrada. Pije se čaj , a krema se maže 3 i 2 puta dnevno po šemi i pije b vitamin uz obavezno sunčanje.
Imalla sam dvije fleke na rukama, jednu veću i jednu manju na lijevoj ruci, fleku na laktu i fleku na leđima. Ta veća fleka na desnoj ruci mi je jako smetala i nju sam intenzivno sunčala , nakon mjesec dana pojavilo se 10 majušnih crnih tačkica koje su poslije porasle u veče krugove sa pigmentom. nakon toga je sve bilo mirno i onda nakon tri mjeseca mnogo malih crnih tačkica koje rastu i zatvaraju bijelu površinu. Tako je bilo sa većom flekom na desnoj ruci. Manju fleku na lijevoj ruci nisam sunčala i ništa se nije desilo , ostala je potpuno bijela.
Fleku na laktu i leđima sam samo par puta namazala dok sam bila na moru i odmah se pojavilo mnogo crnih tačkica koje takođe polako rastu.
On kaže da svaki dan treba tu površinu sunčati 3 sata. Ja nisam nikada toliko sunčala jer radim , pa je bilo puno kiše i sl., a kada sunčam u jednom komadu duže od 1 h ta površina tako izgori da se plašim ponovo izlagati suncu dok se opekotina ne povuče. Na moru je moja ruka izgledala očajno.
Dakle besmisleno je mazanje ako se neće izlagati suncu i to najbolje više dana zaredom , i to više puta u toku dana sunčati po pola sata ili sat ako je sunce slabije. Drugo postoje dijelovi kože na kojima se pigment vrati u tren , a na drugim mjestima treba velika upornost ( šake su kod mene izuzetno otporne na vraćanje pigmenta ) . Treće i najbitnije pigment se može vratiti. Kod mene se djelomično vratio ali ću iduće ljeto da budem još istrajnija jer sigurno djeluje. Razgovarala sam sa kolegicom koja ima lampu pa ću možda i nju da upotrebljavam na zimu da potpuno zatvorim veću fleku na ruci.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Dali se neko do sada od svih vas uspesno izlecio od vitiliga?

Da li se nauka promenila nesto u cilju istrazivanja uzroka bolesti i njenom lecenju?

Ako se neko izlecio neka pise... i pomogne mnogo nama koji ocajnicki trzimo neki pravi i

funkcionalni lek!

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Molio bih Vas informaciju o tome kako ste dobavili terapiju iz Dimitrovgrada.
Naime, ja sam kontaktirao travara, ali mi je rekao da ne može poslati poštom preko granice zbog carinskih zabrana i sl.


Željko Raguž

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Da li je neko �uo za fitoterapeuta Georgi Rangelova iz Dimitrovgrada? Navodno je preko 1000 ljudi izlije�io od vitiliga svojim �ajem i kremom. Ja sam to upravo naru�ila i od ju�er po�ela sa terapijom. Uz to se jo� mora piti B complex i sun�ati ili i�i u solarij. Javit �u vam rezultate.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

ja ti veæ 8 godina imam vitiligo i probala sam sve živo i ništa ne pomaže. no, upoznala sam neke ljude koji su mi rekli neke metode koje bi trebale pomoæi. pa æu ti reæi: postoji neka krema Protopic iz Amerike koja je za ekceme ali djeluje i za vitiligo, no treba biti oprezan s njom i dobro èitati upute, zatim biljni pripravak sa èempresima, a za recept si pogledaj u knjizi od Marije Treben: Zdravlje iz božje ljekarne ( nasjeckaš èemprese, staviš ih u 40% alkohol u flašu napunjenu do grla i èuvaš mjesec dana na izvoru topline, sunce, blizina peæi i mažeš kasnije sa tim pripravkom). Velim, meni ti još ništa nije pomoglo ali probaj i sretno ako si saznao nešto novo, bila bih ti zahvalna kad bi mi javio

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Jako je dobar za stres ,anksioznost,depresije,jer inhibira kortizol.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Miro hvala vam. tek sam danas procitala vasu poruku, nisam bila ovdje. Sad kada znam druge nazive malo vise cu da istrazujem na inter. da li ga ima u Kanadi. Ja bih ga koristila za nervni sistem (anksioznost, migrean itd)

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Kako raspade Gerovital !

Procain se u krvi pretvori.
ona na folnu kiselinu,tiamin,vitamin k
dimetilaminoetanol,koji stabilizira celiène membrane.

U mozgu deluje na neurotransmitere jer je povratni MAO bez stranskih uèinaka !
For several years, hundreds of thousands of people have flocked to Romania annually to get their shots of GH3, the controversial "youth drug" developed by Dr. Ana Aslan of Bucharest. Until recently, the drug was not permitted in the United States. Now the state of Nevada is allowing GH3 therapy. But people are still asking, "Does it really work? And what exactly is it supposed to do?"

It has often been said that if our bodies could maintain homeostasis indefinitely, we might be immortal. Homeostasis is the chemical equilibrium of the body. The hypothalamus is very much involved in this aspect of biochemistry. Homeostasis regulates internal body temperature, blood pressure, perspiration rate, heart-pulse rate, blood sugar, hunger, thirst, sleeping and waking cycles, and almost every activity within the physical system. It also preserves the delicate balance between various enzymes, amines, and hormones in the body. As we age, many facets of our homeostatic harmony become imbalanced; unless they are compensated for, these imbalances may lead to far-reaching complications.

One aspect of homeostasis that alters with age and has a definite effect on some conditions of aging is the increase in monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the tissues. MAO is an enzyme that breaks down various amines that are formed in the body. Some of these amines, tyramine, for instance, are by-products of certain foods. Others are biogenic substances that occur naturally in the body and serve specific functions, such as aiding brain and nerve-impulse transmission. When, for example, the body produces extra epinephrine (adrenaline) or norepinephrine for added stimulation or emergency, MAO rapidly deaminates the excessive amounts of these neurohormones in the tissues and returns the body to its normal homeostatic balance.

Because MAO levels tend to rise with age, usually starting at around 45, greater than normal amounts of these stimulant amines are destroyed. When norepinephrine levels fall too low, activity of the brain and central nervous system is depressed. The anxiety, depression, and loss of interest in life that often accompany old age are now understood to be caused by excessive MAO, which causes a lack of norepinephrine and other catecholamines, especially in the hindbrain. To correct this problem, physicians have usually prescribed MAO inhibitors, or tricyclic compounds, which inactivate MAO. These drugs prevent the deamination of catecholamines in the brain and neuron vesicles, so that they can accumulate at the required levels. Depression is usually lifted, and energy increases enough that the person can function normally again.

Unfortunately, these MAO inhibitors have several disadvantages. The patient must avoid alcohol, amphetamines, and foods that are rich in tyramine or tyrosine (beer, chianti-type wines, and ripe cheeses), since these can interact with MAO inhibitors to cause a hypotensive crisis, which involves a sharp blood-pressure drop, chills, shivers, rapid heart palpitations, and breathing difficulties. Some combinations, though, can have an opposite effect, causing a steep blood-pressure rise (hypertensive crisis). Another disadvantage of most MAO inhibitors is that their effects are not easily reversed. When the body needs more MAO to cope with toxins or infection, the inhibitor occupying the normal MAO sites decreases the activity of the enzyme.

How much excesses of MAO have to do with the aging process is still under investigation. The condition may be more a symptom than a cause of senescence. There is no question, however, that it is involved in most of the depression and anxiety that occur in later years. Depression and anxiety are forms of stress, and must inevitably have a deleterious effect on the body and accelerate aging. Mental attitude has been shown to reverberate on the endocrine systems, which in turn determine much of the body's total condition.

For many years, scientists and physicians have been looking for safer ways to control MAO levels in depressed or aging patients. Yet it appears that they may already have the agent they seek. It has been on every physician's shelf for the past sixty years. That substance is procaine, better known as novocaine.

Procaine was first synthesized by Alfred Einhorn in 1905. It was developed primarily as a local anesthetic to substitute for cocaine, which had turned out to have unmanageable side effects. In 1940, F.J. Philpot reported in the Journal of Physiology his discovery that procaine was, at least in vitro, an MAO inhibitor. Nothing came of his finding at the time. A few enlightened physicians had noted that procaine injections relieved some forms of arthritis, but it was never established as a standard medication for this disorder.

Ana Aslan was born in Bucharest in 1899. She earned her medical degree in 1924 and became Romania's first female physician as well as its first cardiologist. During the late 1940s as director of the government clinic at Timisoara in Romania, Dr. Aslan began using procaine injections to treat arthritis, angina pectoris, and other painful disorders. She had remarkable success in achieving the expected results, but what intrigued Aslan and her co-workers were the unexpected results, which could not be attributed to its local-anesthetic properties. Among the other things, older patients felt younger and more alive, less depressed and more energetic.

In 1951, Dr. Aslan became director of the Bucharest Geriatric Institute, and developed an improved procaine compound, which she called Gerovital H3 or GH3. Her GH3 formula consists of 200 mg of procaine hydrochloride in 10 ml of saline solution, with 16 mg of benzoic acid and 14 mg of potassium metabisulfite, buffered to a slightly acid pH of 3.3. It is usually administered intramuscularly three times a week for four weeks. This is followed by a rest period of two to four weeks, after which another series of injections or tablets is given. With this drug she observed many other anti aging effects: high cholesterol levels dropped; skin elasticity improved; skin texture became smoother and less wrinkled; muscular strength increased; hair often regrew on balding areas; pigmentation was sometimes restored to graying hair; high and low blood pressure were normalized; and even failing memory was greatly improved.

In 1956, Ana Aslan reported her findings at a symposium in Karlsruhe, West Germany. Her claims were met largely with disbelief. The following year, supported by further evidence, she addressed another symposium, and this time was well-received. Soon other researchers were corroborating her findings. Studies in France and Germany showed a 20 to 30 per cent increase in the life span of rats given regular injections of GH3.

In the early 1960s, however, some British and American workers challenged Aslan's discoveries. They had attempted to duplicate her experiments, using ordinary procaine hydrochloride instead of her GH3 preparation, and quite understandably did not get the same results. The AMA, brandishing all negative findings and ignoring all positive ones, officially declared GH3 (procaine) useless as anything other than a local anesthetic. Despite the fact that the AMA is notorious for its blatantly unscientific habit of arriving at conclusions that suit its own prejudices and purposes, the statement was enough to dampen American interest in GH3 for ten years.

The destiny of this drug took a new turn in 1965, when a research group at the Chicago Medical School headed by Arnold Abrams published the results of a series of carefully controlled double-blind tests with both GH3 and ordinary procaine. The intent of the experiments had been to disprove the claims made for the Romanian drug, but the honest conclusion these workers had to report was that, although procaine yielded only slight results, GH3 had beneficial physical and psychological effects that warranted further study.

In 1971, Alfred Sapse of UCLA revived interest in GH3 in the United States. He ran a computer check on all available procaine data, and received readouts that completely supported the idea that the drug is efficacious. He then had M. David MacFarlane of the University of Southern California test GH3 as an MAO inhibitor. MacFarlane reported that it is a mild, short acting, selective, fully competitive, and reversible MAO inhibitor. That is, GH3 inhibits certain forms of MAO that are effective in neutralizing particular catecholamines, such as nor epinephrine and serotonin, but has very little effect on others. It competes for MAO sites, but does not cling to them permanently. If extra MAO is needed, the inhibitor is easily displaced. Another advantage of GH3 as an MAO inhibitor is that the patient does not have to shun alcohol and certain foods and drugs in order to avoid hypotensive and hypertensive crises.

After Sapse was thoroughly convinced of GH3's value as an MAO inhibitor and anti aging drug, he joined forces with Manfred Mosk and Nathan Kline and founded Rom-American Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. They negotiated with the Romanian government, and won a ten-year contract for exclusive rights to import the drug into the United States and to distribute it. Seven years later, Rom-Amer was still trying to gain FDA approval merely to conduct clinical tests with GH3 in this country. Finally, the company had to move from California to Nevada, the only state that no longer bans the drug. Since ordinary anesthetic procaine has been in common use for more than half a century, there is no serious question about its safety. Further information about its worth can only be derived by clinical testing. The main obstacle seems to be the FDA's general reluctance to approve foreign-produced drugs.

The public's interest in the reports of GH3's beneficial effects, coupled with the unavailability of the substance in this country, has created a market for inferior products that bear names similar to Gerovitol or GH3, but that contain no procaine. In Europe, however, several worthy variations on Dr. Aslan's formula are produced and sold. Doctors Wolfgang Schwartzhaupt and Fritz Wiedermann have developed an oral version of the drug, potentiated with hematoporphyrin, and known as KH3. Hematoporphyrin has a regulating effect on the nervous system, is used for treating nervous depression, and also improves the functioning of the sexual glands.

Since excessive serotonin is known to be harmful and is now regarded as a probable trigger for the "death hormone" responses, it may seem contradictory that one of procaine's virtues is that it prevents the deamination of this and other catecholamines, thus allowing them to accumulate. There is no actual contradiction, however. Brain amines, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, exist in a balanced relationship with each other, varying somewhat in different sections of the brain. The limbic structures, for instance, contain the highest concentrations of serotonin and norepinephrine, whereas the neocortical portions have almost none. In most brain tissues, the distributions of these two neurohormones are more or less similar. The hypothalamus has less serotonin, but the proportion increases with age. The "death hormone" response appears to be triggered by an abnormal rise of serotonin and a simultaneous depletion of dopamine, the precursor of norepinephrine, in this organ. The object of using L-dopa and negative ions to control serotonin, then, is not to rid the brain tissues of this neurohormone, but rather to normaiize its distribution in proportion to the other amines.

Although procaine is a synthetic chemical, it is composed of two natural substances: para-aminobenzoic acid (the B vitamin, PABA) and diethylaminoethanol (DEAE, which apparently participates in the synthesis of choline and acetylcholine; it is similar to DMAE). When procaine enters the bloodstream, it is rapidly hydrolyzed into these two substances. For a while, some gerontologists believed that the benefits of procaine and GH3 might be entirely due to the vitamin effects of these two metabolites: But equivalent dosages of PABA and DEAE did not produce the same results as the drug. It has been suggested that procaine may reach important sites in the brain or in the individual cells not ordinarily permeated by-PABA or DEAE, and is then converted to these vitamins.

Although the benzoic acid and potassium metabisulfite are added to GH3 as antioxidants and preservatives, they seem to have additional functions. The presence of the potassium ion aids in the absorption of the drug, and the benzoic acid may partially form a benzoate salt of procaine. This may slow down the otherwise rapid metabolism of the procaine and give it more time to accomplish its work.

It is not well understood why GH3 is so much more effective than procaine. Its gentle MAO-inhibiting properties explain its value in treating anxiety, depression, and abnormal blood pressure, but it also has a stimulating influence on cells and tissues. The late J. Earl Officer at the USC School of Medicine administered GH3 to embryonic wild-mouse tissue cultures during maturation and again during the normal decline period. He found that the aging of the cells was slowed down and possibly reversed. Ana Aslan had previously had similar results using chick-and monkey-cell cultures.

B. M. Zuckerman at the University of Massachusetts Laboratory of Experimental Biology slowed the aging process in a species of nematode by adding GH3 to its medium. Many aging traits of this nematode are similar to those of human red blood cells. Both accumulate the aging pigment lipofuscin. Also, the cell membranes of both become fragile with age, while the cell becomes heavier and loses its negative surface charge. GH3 retards the formation of lipofuscin in nematodes, and inhibits the development of liver spots (lipofuscin deposits) in humans. GH3 seems to strengthen cell membranes, according to studies now in progress.

GH3 may not be the key to extraordinary life extension, but it appears to help treat and delay the onset of many of the symptoms and side effects of aging. It can be a useful adjuvant to other longevity agents, and will, most likely, potentiate their effectiveness.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza


Also indexed as: Depigmentation

Holistic options
Vitiligo is a type of skin discoloration characterized by progressively widening areas of depigmented (very white) skin.

The depigmentation that occurs with this condition is associated with the local destruction of melanocytes, the cells that produce the pigment that darkens the skin, called melanin. Vitiligo affects 1–4% of the world’s population.1

Checklist for Vitiligo

Rating Nutritional Supplements Herbs
Ginkgo biloba



Betaine HCl

Folic acid


Vitamin B-complex

Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Vitamin D (topical calcipotriol only)

Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit.
Contradictory, insufficient, or preliminary studies suggesting a health benefit or minimal health benefit.
An herb is primarily supported by traditional use, or the herb or supplement has little scientific support and/or minimal health benefit.

What are the symptoms of vitiligo?
Symptoms of vitiligo include decreased or absent pigmentation in localized or diffuse areas of the skin. Hair in these areas is typically white, and the skin tends to sunburn more easily.

Medical Treatments
Prescription topical corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone (Kenalog®, Aristocort®), betamethasone (Valisone®, Diprosone®), and fluocinonide (Lidex®), might help in some situations. Oral and topical psoralens, including methoxsalen (Oxsoralen®) and trioxsalen (Trisoralen®) with ultraviolet A irradiation (PUVA), are occasionally used.

Other treatment includes cosmetic creams and tanning solutions. Treatment may also involve the management of any underlying medical condition, such as Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, scleroderma, melanoma-associated leukoderma, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, and autoimmune disorders (including Grave’s disease, diabetes mellitus, pernicious anemia, and Addison’s disease). Rarely, skin transplants may be necessary.

Nutritional supplements that may be helpful
Supplementation with the amino acid L-phenylalanine (LPA) may have value when combined with ultraviolet (UVA) light therapy. Several clinical trials, including one double-blind trial, indicated that LPA (50 mg per 2.2 pounds of body weight per day—3,500 mg per day for a 154-pound person—or less) increased the extent of repigmentation induced by UVA therapy. LPA alone also produced a more modest repigmentation in some people.2 A study of vitiligo in children reported that LPA plus UVA was an effective treatment in a majority of the children.3

A group of Spanish doctors reported on their experience using LPA over a six-year period. Some of the 171 people with vitiligo received LPA (50 or 100 mg per 2.2 pounds body weight per day) for up to three years. Between April and October of each year, participants also applied a 10% LPA gel, prior to exposing their skin to the sun for 30 minutes. Some improvement was seen in 83% of participants, and the results were rated as good in 57% (75% improvement or better).4

A clinical report describes the use of vitamin supplements in the treatment of vitiligo.5 Folic acid and/or vitamin B12 and vitamin C levels were abnormally low in most of the 15 people studied. Supplementation with large amounts of folic acid (1–10 mg per day), along with vitamin C (1 gram per day) and intramuscular vitamin B12 injections (1,000 mcg every two weeks), produced marked repigmentation in eight people. These improvements became apparent after three months, but complete repigmentation required one to two years of continuous supplementation. In another study of people with vitiligo, oral supplementation with folic acid (10 mg per day) and vitamin B12 (2,000 mcg per day), combined with sun exposure, resulted in some repigmentation after three to six months in about half of the participants.6 This combined regimen was more effective than either vitamin supplementation or sun exposure alone.

When used topically in combination with sun exposure, a pharmaceutical form of vitamin D, called calcipotriol, may be effective in stimulating repigmentation in children with vitiligo. In a preliminary study, children applied a cream containing calcipotriol daily and exposed themselves to sunlight for 10–15 minutes the following morning.7 After 11 months, marked to complete repigmentation occurred in 55% of the children, moderate repigmentation occurred in 22%, and little or no improvement was seen in 22%. None of the children developed new areas of vitiligo. The first evidence of repigmentation occurred within 6 to 12 weeks in the majority of the children. All participants tolerated the cream well, with approximately 17% complaining of mild, transient skin irritation. Calcipotriol is a prescription medication to be used only under the supervision of a doctor. It is not known whether vitamin D as a dietary supplement has any effect on vitiligo.

In one early report, lack of stomach acid (achlorhydria) was associated with vitiligo. Supplementation with dilute hydrochloric acid after meals resulted in gradual repigmentation of the skin (after one year or more).8 Hydrochloric acid, or its more modern counterpart betaine HCl, should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

Another early report described the use of PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid)—a compound commonly found in B-complex vitamins—for vitiligo. Consistent use of 100 mg of PABA three or four times per day, along with an injectable form of PABA and a variety of hormones tailored to individual needs, resulted, in many cases, in repigmentation of areas affected by vitiligo.9

Are there any side effects or interactions?
Refer to the individual supplement for information about any side effects or interactions.

Herbs that may be helpful
In a double-blind study of 52 people with slowly spreading vitiligo, supplementation with Ginkgo biloba extract (standardized to contain 24% ginkgoflavonglycosides), in the amount of 40 mg three times per day for up to six months, resulted in marked to complete repigmentation in 40% of cases, compared with only 9% among those receiving a placebo.10

An extract from khella (Ammi visnaga) may be useful in repigmenting the skin of people with vitiligo. Khellin, the active constituent, appears to work like psoralen drugs—it stimulates repigmentation of the skin by increasing sensitivity of remaining melanocytes to sunlight. Studies have used 120–160 mg of khellin per day.11

In preliminary trial, Picrorhiza, in combination with the drug methoxsalen and sun exposure, was reported to hasten recovery in people with vitiligo compared with use of methoxsalen and sun exposure alone.12 Between 400 and 1,500 mg of powdered, encapsulated picrorhiza per day has been used in a variety of studies.

Are there any side effects or interactions?
Refer to the individual herb for information about any side effects or interactions.

Holistic approaches that may be helpful
People with vitiligo have occasionally improved using hypnosis along with other treatments.13

1. Ortonne JP, Bose SK. Vitiligo: where do we stand? Pigment Cell Res 1993;6:61–72.

2. Siddiqui AH, Stolk LM, Bhaggoe R, et al. L-phenylalanine and UVA irradiation in the treatment of vitiligo. Dermatology 1994;188:215–8.

3. Schulpis CH, Antoniou C, Michas T, Strarigos J. Phenylalanine plus ultraviolet light: preliminary report of a promising treatment for childhood vitiligo. Pediatr Dermatol 1989;6:332–5.

4. Camacho F, Mazuecos J. Treatment of vitiligo with oral and topical phenylalanine: 6 years of experience. Arch Dermatol 1999;135:216–7.

5. Montes LF, Diaz ML, Lajous J, Garcia NJ. Folic acid and vitamin B12 in vitiligo: a nutritional approach. Cutis 1992;50:39–42.

6. Juhlin L, Olsson MJ. Improvement of vitiligo after oral treatment with vitamin B12 and folic acid and the importance of sun exposure. Acta Derm Venereol 1997;77:460–2.

7. Parsad D, Saini R, Nagpal R. Calcipotriol in vitiligo: A preliminary study. Pediatr Dermatol 1999;16:317–20.

8. Francis HW. Achlorhydria as an etiological factor in vitiligo, with report of four cases. Nebraska State Med J 1931;16(1):25–6.

9. Sieve BF. Further investigations in the treatment of vitiligo. Virginia Med Monthly 1945;Jan:6–17.

10. Parsad D, Pandhi R, Juneja A. Effectiveness of oral Ginkgo biloba in treating limited, slowly spreading vitiligo. Clin Exp Dermatol 2003;28:285–7.

11. Abdel-Fattah, Aboul-Enein MN, Wassel GM, El-Menshawi BS. An approach to the treatment of vitiligo by khellin. Dermatologica 1982;165:136–40.

12. Bedi KL, Zutshi U, Chopra CL, Amla V. Picrorhiza kurroa, an Ayurvedic herb, may potentiate photochemotherapy in vitiligo. J Ethnopharmacol 1989;27:347–52.

13. Shenefelt PD. Hypnosis in dermatology. Arch Dermatol 2000;136:393–9.


Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza ovde vam pošlejo u Kanadu
To sam našao,mora da bude substanca PROKAIN
imena su Gerovital,GH3,KH3,Geroaslan,Vitacel
Kod nas kupujemo u Austriji,Nemaèkoj, i Švici.
Tamo gde je naðen Gerovital je Romunija( ANA ASLAN ) možda vam oni šaljejo ako bi jih zaprosili.
Firma je SICOMED
Jako me zanima ako èete ga dobit i biti zdravi i fit
.Javite mi.
Pozdrav iz Slovenije

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Da li postoji da se kupi Gerovital u Kanadi i pod kojim je imenom?
Unapred hvala

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

da li su nekome zbog vitiliga vadili krv i koji se tu analize uzimaju? Hvaladana Napisano:

> htela bih da znamnesto vise o ovim bolestima i na koje nacine
> ih je moguce leciti.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Draga Ljilja probajte Gerovital on je naravna substanca i mnogima je koristio,jer on deluje na homeostazu tako,da su svi procesi normalni u telu.
u Nemaèkoj je to standardna terapija, neural terapy.

Prokain raspada na puno org. substanca Paba ,folna kiselina ....
I važno je to,da to nastaja u krvi,ako konzumiramo vitamine oni se unièe u stomaku jer je tamo kiselina HCL.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Pokusala sam da na nadjem neke informacije o vitiligu ali mi na zalost nije uspelo.
Molim sve one koji znaju nesto vise o tome da se jave.
Unapred Vam hvala.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Probajte sa dobrim starim Romunskim Gerovitalom,gh3 .
Mnogima je pomagalo,kada èitam reference.
GEROVITAL-H3® Ampoules and Tablets

Procaine hydrochloride 0.1000g, Benzoic acid 0.0060g, Potassium metabisulfite 0.0050g, Disodium phosphate 0.0005g. Either in 6x5ml ampoules or 25x100mg tablets (sugar coated).
The complex effects of Gerovital H3 are due to its activity both at the level of the central and neurovegetative nervous systems, and at the level of the cells, through the stimulation of tissues regeneration and the improvement of metabolic processes, the product has also been proved to act in the oxidation reduction phenomena of the cell. By its eutrophic action, the product maintains the equilibrium of the cortical processes and ensures the normal activity of the nervous system. Gerovital H3 exerts an antiacetylcholinic, sympatholic, antihistamine and antiallergic effect, the product decreases the excitability of the striated muscles; it also acts as a spasmolytic, antifibrillary, vasodilating, diuretic and lipotropic agent.
Preventative and curative treatment of old age phenomena. It is also indicated in tropic disorders, neuritis, cerebral and peripheral arteriosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, spondylosis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, neurodermitis, eczema, alopecia, psoriasis, sclederma and vitiligo.
Specific allergy to procaine (individual tolerance will be tested).
Adverse Reactions:
No adverse reactions have been recorded. With procaine sensitive persons, the following phenomena may however appear; cephalea, shaking, bradycardia or tachycardia, motor or psycic restlessness, allergic reactions.
Gerovital H3 should not be administered simultaneously with sulphonamides (inactivation), eserine or prostigmine.
Dosages and Administration:
Preventative treatment of old age phenomena; Per Os- 2 tablets daily, two or three hours after meals, over a period of 12 days. The treatment should be repeated after a one month break. Parentally; 1 intramuscular injection three times a week, over a period of 4 weeks. The treatment should be repeated after an intermission of 1 to 2 months. The association of both methods of administration is recommended.
- 4 series of injections (3 per week, a total of 12 ampoules); 30 days break; 4 series of tablets (2 daily for 12 days). After 24 days of intermission a new course of treatment may be begun.
- The curative treatment is generally, a long term one; 1 intramuscular injection 3 times a week (12 injections per month). After a 10 day break the treatment should be resumed. The series of injections could be alternated with the oral treatment; 6 series of injections and 5 series of tablets, with 10 day intermissions between the courses.
- In arthritis, Gerovital H3 may be administered intraarterially or both intra and periartially.
- In arthrosis, it may be administered intraarticulary and periarticulary.
- In asthma and vasospasm, 1 ampoule can be administered daily, in slow intravenous injection there will be a 2 or 3 courses of 12 injections, with 7 day breaks between them.
- In cases of advanced old age phenomena, the parental treatment alone is recommended.
At room temperature, protected from light and humidity.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

da li i ja bolujem od Vitiligo i ihtioze_
bele fleke po ledjima mi se pojavljuju samo kad sam na suncu

kako da ih sprecim


Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

ja isto imam bele fleke po ledjima,koje su izrazenije kad pocrnim.u toku godine su normalne.mazem ih antipirunskom kremom

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Da li bi mogli da mi kazete samo kako se zovu lekovi koje ste koristili iz Nemacke, kako bih mogao nekako da ih nabavim. Hvala unapred.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Ja cu to naruciti sutra, a obzirom da tvrde da je rok za izlecenje "laksih" slucajeva oko 4 meseca, znacu ubrzo pa ako budem imao uspeha, javicu se da Vam potvrdim, kako bi ste i Vi mogli to probati. Jedino sto medikamenti kostaju 450 EURa za 4 meseca, ali ako pomaze cena nije velika uopste.

Ako je neko zainteresovan neka pogleda njihov sajt:

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Vitiligo je za sada neizljeèiva bolest, naime doktori ga uopæe ne smatraju bolešæu veæ "estetskim nedostatkom" i zbog toga je fond ulaganja novaca za istraživanje i ispitivanje nastanka vitiliga vrlo malen. Pravi uzrok nastanka još je uvijek nepoznat.

Vaš sin ne bi trebao iæi na jako sunce jer koža koja na mjestima na kojima su se pojavile flekice NIJE zaštiæena tj. na tim mjestima nema pigmenta što znaèi da izlaganje jakom suncu može izazvati rak kože. Beba Napisano:


Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Nikolina Niste rekli da li je vasem deteu pomogla ta kremica Hvala

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Moj sin ima nepunih 6 godina, ima vitiligo, bijele toèkice na leðima koje se šire. Uzima kratko vrijeme Dermovate kremu 2 puta dnevno na oboljela bijela mjesta i tabletice s bakrom, cinkom i magnezijem. Da li je to štetno za njegovu dob i da li je ta krema koja sadrži kortikosteroide dobra za njega? Maže se zaštitnim faktorom Avenue 25. Smije li na sunce? Postoji li za njega neka bolja terapija?
Hvala.Emma Napisano:

> Molila bih vas još detalja o Vašem naèinu lijeèenja
> tabletama, kremom i solarijem.
> Gdje ste nabavili tablete, tko vam je preporuèio tu terapiju,
> da li je ona za sve ista ili varira od sluèaja do sluèaja
> (površine zahvaæene vitiligom), zašto koristite kremu, koji je
> sastav tableta i kreme, kakvu ulogu u tome ima solarij - i da
> li je obavezan uz terapiju, te na kraju najvažnije - koliki
> uspjeh i kojem roku je terapija donijela.
> Hvala.
> Emma

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Molila bih vas još detalja o Vašem naèinu lijeèenja tabletama, kremom i solarijem.
Gdje ste nabavili tablete, tko vam je preporuèio tu terapiju, da li je ona za sve ista ili varira od sluèaja do sluèaja (površine zahvaæene vitiligom), zašto koristite kremu, koji je sastav tableta i kreme, kakvu ulogu u tome ima solarij - i da li je obavezan uz terapiju, te na kraju najvažnije - koliki uspjeh i kojem roku je terapija donijela.


Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

I ja koristim vitamin B12 ali uz to jos Unizink, i RubiFol tablete jednom dnevno vec godinu dana, i imam posebnu kremu koju sam narucila iz nemacke, mazem se preko celog tela jel da bih izlecila i te fleke koju su na putu, ujutro i uvece i uzimam solarijum koji sam isto narucila iz nemacke , nakon sto sam namazala kremu. Rezultat je fantastican ali ja sam prekinula treapiju zbog finansijskih problema. Inace sam bila jako zadovoljno i znam da cu za nekoliko meseci opet nastaviti sa terapijom , kazu da se 99% izelce na ovaj nacin.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Vitiligo se ne moze izleciti ili poboljsati samo sa apiterapijom, tako i stoji na sajtu, a to kaze i osoba koja je dala intervju.

Jer je neko upoznat sa kineskom metodom izlecenja vitiliga, jer zna neko nesto o tome ?

Ja bi hteo na prirodan nacin da izlecim vitiligo, da se pigmenat sam vrati, sa suncem se uvek moze postici odredjen efekat, pogotovo sa Novitil losionom u saradnji sa suncem ali to nikako nece spreceti nove fleke da izadju, a stare ce uvek biti tamnije, znam iz licnog iskustva, ja se upravo dopisujem sa Dr. Xain Chen iz Kine, i on kaze da je potrebno sacekati 1-2 course (4-8 meseci ) da bi se vitiligo izlecio.

Ako neko zna nesto o kineskoj medicini neka obavezno kaze, jer je imao neko neka iskustva ?

Evo vam sajt pa ga obavezno pogledajte da vidite rezultate i tehniku medicine.

Zanima me Vase misljenje/iskustvo.

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Apiterapija je terapija sa pcelinjim proizvodima

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Kako se molim Vas vitiligo lijeèi apiterapijom?

Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Da li je neko cuo za kinesko metodu lecenja vitiliga, njihov sajt je , kazu da je efekat lecenja 98 %, a nivo izlecenja zagarantovan u 80 % slucajeva, oni pored nekih vitiligo-resolving tableta koriste i razne trave, prvo deo koze je oboleo treba isprati sa mlakom vodom u koju se stave te lekovite granule, a potom namazati losionom, medjutim jedina sumnjiva stvar mi je ta sto pise, sto vise perete i stavljate bolji je efekat, pa valjda lek treba da ima neke granice, a ne samo da ga sto vise natrpate na kozu i kao da bude bolji ... ja koristim B 12 vitamine 3x dnevno vec 1 mesec i mali deo pigmenta iz granica vitilgo mesta se vraca, ali tako kilavo da mislim da mora postojati drugi nacin. Takodje osecam da B kompleks vitamina utice na moj nervni sistem, nekako mnogo smiruje i uspavljuje.

Da li je neko upoznat sa metodom koja daje za rezultat lek, a ne samo prikrivanje novonastale fleke, jer to vam je kao da sakrivate dim, a vatra kuklja.

Ko zna nesto vise neka mi slobodno odgovori na mail.


Re: Vitiligo i ihtioza

Vitiligo i ihtioza su kozne bolesti
vitiligo je nedostatak pigmenta a ihtioza vrsta ekcema
obe bolesti se lece , vitiligo se leci apiterapijom
a ihtioza ciscenjem jetre.