pomoc za izlecenje

9 odgovora [Zadnja poruka]

Molim sve koji su imali problema sa prosirenim venama i unutrasnjim suljevima da mi pomognu u izlecenju te bolesti.Probao sam veci broj melema , cajeva i malo efekta .
Unapred zahvalan svim koji zele da pomognu - Ninoslav

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

Postovani Gospodine Miro!
Saljem vam svoj email da bi mi odgovorili u vezi terapije za izlecenje
ROZACE lica.O tome ste mi nesta napisali ali radi Herbatekine cenzure
poslednja posta je izbrisana sto pozdravljam jer terapija nije biljnog
porekla,stoga vam sajlem emajl i preuzimam potpunu odgovornost.zelim
da vam kazem da je mojoj supruzi preslo i na OCI.Molim Vas da mi kazete
sta da radimo.Unapred zahvalni Porodica Popovic.

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

ORALNO DO MESEC DANA 1 put na dan.




Necemo objavljivati lekove iz farmacije ... i savete koji nisu biljnog porekla

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

Postovani Miro
Moja supruga je koristila ORVAGIL tablete i neku tecnost bele boje (kao krec)koja se maze pre spavanja na licu (sastav neznamo),ali nema efekta.
Zato vas molim da nam preporucite koji TETRACIKLIN (koju terapiju).
Zahvalan Popovic

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

Azeleièna kiselina se dobi kod vas u apotekama jer je substanca i mogu je mešati u razlièitim koncentracijama.
Retin a Tretinoine(kiselina a vitamina) u Nemaèkoj, Italiji,Grèiji možda u Rumuniji u Maðarskoj ga nema , nekad je bio i kod nas ali ga isto nema Krka ga ne radi više.
A na Retin saèekajte do jeseni jer se ne smijete postavljati jakom suncu.
Zanima me ,dal va je Dr. predpisao kuro sa Tetraciklinom antibiotikom,i obkladkima od kamilice koja deluje protiupalno.

Supliments and herbs

The first signs of rosacea (rose-AY-shah) are recurrent patches of redness on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin, and the appearance of tiny blood vessels just under the skin. As the disorder progresses, the skin on the face becomes ruddier and then permanently inflamed; bumps may also form. The eyes may be affected too, resulting in burning or itching. In severe rosacea, the nose may develop excess tissue.

About one in 20 adults has rosacea, with fair-skinned people at the highest risk. Although women develop the condition three times more often than men, the latter have more severe symptoms. Smokers are vulnerable because nicotine impairs circulation. Without treatment, rosacea may worsen; conventional therapy often includes long-term use of antibiotics.

Rosacea occurs when unknown genetic and/or environmental factors cause blood vessels in the skin to lose elasticity and dilate easily, sometimes permanently. Blood vessel abnormalities are one possible cause. Episodes can be triggered by any stimulus that leads to flushing, including hot or spicy foods or beverages; alcohol or caffeine; stress; weather; vigorous exercise; hormonal changes (especially at menopause); and certain medications (especially niacin and some blood pressure drugs).

Supplements and herbs
Because rosacea is a chronic condition, supplements should be continued indefinitely; it may take about a month before initial improvements are obvious. Begin with vitamin A and the B vitamins. Then add vitamin C, the minerals, and the essential fatty acids, if necessary. All can be used with the conventional antibiotics that are often prescribed for rosacea.

Without enough vitamin A, skin cells can harden, and the protective effect of mucus (which some skin cells produce) declines. A deficiency of B vitamins is common in people with rosacea, so vitamin B complex is beneficial. It's important to take extra riboflavin and vitamin B12 in addition to the amounts found in a B-complex supplement. Riboflavin improves mucus secretion and promotes elimination of cellular waste; vitamin B12 plays a central role in cell growth, reproduction, and repair.

As for vitamin C, it strengthens the membranes that line the blood vessels and the connective tissue between skin cells. It also minimizes the release of histamine, a chemical that widens blood vessels in response to an allergic substance. The mineral zinc helps heal the top layer of the skin (epidermis) and regulates blood levels of vitamin A. (Add copper for long-term use.) And the fatty acids in flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil reduce inflammation, control the cell's use of nutrients, and produce hormone like substances called prostaglandins, which stimulate contraction of blood vessels.

What else you can do
Use fragrance-free, greaseless makeup and facial cleansers. Never use astringents on your skin.
Gently blot-never rub-your face dry after washing.
Wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 when you are outdoors.
How much to take
Vitamin A
25,000 IU a day for 2 months, then 10,000 IU a day.
Women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy should not exceed 5,000 IU a day.
Vitamin B complex
1 pill each morning with food.
Look for a B-50 complex with 50 mcg vitamin B12 and biotin; 400 mcg folic acid; and 50 mg all other B vitamins.
50 mg a day in addition to that in B complex (above).
Also called vitamin B2. May darken the urine.
Vitamin B12
1,000 mcg a day in addition to that in B complex (above).
Sublingual form best for absorption; Always take with 400 mcg folic acid, such as in vitamin B complex.
Vitamin C
1,000 mg 3 times a day.
Reduce dose if diarrhea develops.
Zinc / Copper
30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper a day.
Add copper only when using zinc longer than 1 month.
Fatty acids
1,000 mg evening primrose oil 3 times a day; 1 tbsp (14 grams) flaxseed oil a day.
Or use 1,000 mg borage oil once a day for primrose oil.
aciklin se daje mesec dana .

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

Miro!recite mi ko je proizvodac tih lekova i gde ih mogu naci.
Unapred zahvalan Popovic.

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

Najbolje se obnese kot rozacee RETIN A (Tretinoine) 0,025%
U kremi koja deluje blago keratolitièno .na poèetku može se dobit crvenilo lica koje trraje jedan tedan,onda je uspešain i Skinoren(acidum azeleicum)

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

Mojoj supruzi je izdvojen DEMADEKS u bolnickoj labaratoriji - dijagnoza
ROZACEA - lica ( crvenilo sa bubuljicama oko nosa,iznad obrva i na obrazima).Kako izleciti ovu bolest.Napominjem da je to dobila nakon smrti brata 1994god.Sve smo probali pa vas molimo da pokusate da nam pomognete,jer je ocigledno da je medicina zatajila .Unapred zahvalan Popovic.

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

Na trupu penisa imam promene koje izgledaju kao kozne bradavice ali iako ih imam vec duze vreme (mozda15 god ako ne i vise) one se nisu povecale ili rasirile. Promene su odmah ispod glavica i velicine mozda 3-4 mm. Mozda je vazno napomenuti da male bradavice imam i ispod pazuha (3-4 njih ispod oba pazuha).Zanima me dali je ovo "kondiloma accuminatum" i koji je najboli nacin postavljanja diagnoze i KAKO DA TO NAJBOLE LJECIM.
ninoslav Napisano:

Re: pomoc za izlecenje

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